Monday, April 29, 2013

Natural Beauty Treatments Tips

There are many cost effective beauty treatments that one may employ to save money. Both men and women must put forth an effort to preserve the integrity skin texture. Furthermore, many beauty treatments advertised on the market are ridden with caustic chemicals that strip the skin of its natural beauty. Nature possesses everything one needs to develop beautiful, soft, glowing attractive skin. Not to mention, these natural beauty treatments are far cheaper than the chemically-based beauty products on the market. Read below to discover simple, affordable ways to feel more beautiful.
Natural Beauty Treatments At Home
Many of the ingredients you will find listed can be located right in your kitchen refrigerator or cupboard:
  • Egg Mask: An egg facial mask can work wonders for your skin. The innate proteins that exist in eggs have the capacity to help restructure, rejuvenate and restore your skin. Furthermore, as the egg mask dries, it generates a tightening effect for the skin. In essence, egg masks can restore elasticity for the skin, producing a tighter, more youthful appearance. To apply it, simple whip the egg into an even consistency, lather it onto your face, and allow it to dry.
  • Sugar and Honey Facial Scrub: This particular kind of scrub serves as the perfect exfoliant for skin. sugar possesses amazing chemical properties that contribute to skin regeneration, and provide it with a natural glow. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

For The Sheen in Your Locks! 10 Foods for Healthy Hair

The environment is changing and so are our habits. Our diet or our eating habits reflect directly to our body. The same criterion is followed by our hair as well. It is not about what your put on your hair to make them look beautiful but it is about what you feed them. There are a number of hair care products available in the markets that are quite useful for creating the desired hair but what about the internal nutrition? The right type of nutrients in the right quantity is very much necessary for our hair. Following are the 10 best foods that would give you healthier and shinier hair.
1) Green Leafy Vegetables:
Consuming green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli provide your hair with Vitamin A and C. the production of sebum which is a natural hair conditioning oil given out by the body is created by these vitamins. Dark green vegetables are also a source of iron and calcium.
2) Beans and Pulses:
Beans, pulses, legumes, kidney beans and more should be an integral part of your diet. They provide protein to your hair in abundance making them naturally beautiful and attractive. Not only protein, they are also enriched with ample amount of iron, zinc, and biotin.
3) Non Vegetarian Diet:
Chicken and meat are a great source of protein which improves the quality of your hair. The deficiency of protein may lead to brittle hair and hair loss becomes prominent. The iron quantity in these foods also benefits your body and consequently the hair making them more lustrous
4) Eggs:
Ones of who eat eggs will always have healthy hair. Any form of eggs like boiled, scrambled, fried or more and be eaten up for protein and Vitamin B-12 with biotin.
5) Whole Grain Diet:
Including a whole grain meal in a day in your diet plan will endow your hair with zinc, iron and Vitamin B leading to shiny and strong hair.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Top 5 Best Plus Size Modeling Agencies

With the growing size of the world's population comes larger woman who wear larger size clothing. Retailers are quite aware of this trend and many brands are cashing in on this ever growing demographic.
More than 50% of women are over a size 14. This is an emerging market for both retailers and the modeling agencies that provide them with talent to showcase their clothing lines.
The days of models being a scant size zero eating their grilled chicken salad in hair and make up may be on the decline as the new era of plus size models emerges.
Aspiring models have often struggled with the specific requirements set by the modeling industry. They often make the mistake of thinking being over a size 8 or 10 would be the death of their modeling career yet plus size models between size 10-20 are in demand.
There is now a growing trend of plus size modeling agencies staking claim to their piece of the plus size model pie.
Here is a list of the top 5 best plus size modeling agencies:
1) MSA Models - I like the energy and professionalism I feel this agency offers. They are also located in the epicenter of modeling which is none other than New York, NY.